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July 25, 2024

Ways in Which Social Commerce Differs in the Different Regions of China

Ways in Which Social Commerce Differs in the Different Regions of China

Understanding Social Commerce in Various Regions of China


Social commerce integrates social media and e-commerce, allowing users to buy and sell directly on social platforms. This blend has seen significant growth in China, thanks to platforms like WeChat, Weibo, and Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book). For skincare brands looking to enter or expand in China's market, understanding these regional differences in social commerce is crucial. China’s vast and diverse regions have unique preferences and buying behaviors, requiring brands to tailor their strategies accordingly.

Social Commerce Landscape in Coastal Cities


Social commerce in major coastal cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou is dynamic and tech-savvy. A significant trend is live streaming, where influencers and brands showcase products in real-time, answer questions, and offer special deals. This method builds trust and engages viewers directly.

Consumer Behavior

Consumers in these cities are heavily influenced by trends from influencers and celebrities. They value reviews and recommendations and prefer interactive content like videos and live demos showcasing products.

Popular Platforms

Several platforms dominate social commerce in these cities:

  • WeChat: Combines social networking with online shopping, allowing users to follow brands, read content, and make purchases within the app.
  • Weibo: Trending topics and hashtags on Weibo can drive sales.
  • Douyin (TikTok): Popular among younger consumers for its catchy, short videos featuring products.
  • Little Red Book (Xiaohongshu): Preferred for lifestyle and luxury brands, where users read reviews and watch product recommendations.


In Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou, success in social commerce hinges on live streaming, influencer marketing, and interactive content on platforms like WeChat, Weibo, Douyin, and Little Red Book.

Social Commerce in Inland Provinces

Social commerce is expanding in inland provinces like Sichuan and Hunan, driven by different consumer needs and platforms.

Consumer Preferences

Consumers in these provinces prioritize good value for money and are price-sensitive, seeking deals and discounts without compromising on quality and authenticity. They rely on trusted reviews and recommendations and often take more time to research their purchases.

Platform Usage

While WeChat and Weibo are popular, local platforms and communities also cater to the specific needs of these regions. Live streaming remains a popular method for engaging consumers, building trust, and showcasing products in real-time.


Brands targeting inland markets must adjust strategies that work in coastal areas to suit the price sensitivity and research-oriented behavior of inland consumers.

Rural Social Commerce Trends

The growth of social commerce in rural China is fueled by increased internet and smartphone accessibility.

Consumer Engagement

Rural consumers engage with e-commerce through social media platforms like WeChat and Douyin, appreciating the social and interactive aspects of shopping, such as live-streamed sales events.

Delivery Challenges

Delivering goods to rural areas involves logistical challenges due to poor infrastructure and limited logistics networks, leading to higher delivery costs and potential pricing issues.

Preferred Platforms

WeChat is highly preferred for its integration of payment systems, customer service, and marketing tools. Douyin is also popular for its live-streaming features, alongside other platforms like Pinduoduo and Taobao.


In rural areas, WeChat and Douyin drive social commerce, despite delivery challenges, due to their mix of social interaction and shopping convenience.

Impacts of Economic Development on Social Commerce

Economic development significantly influences social commerce practices across different regions in China.

Affluent Areas

In well-off regions, consumers with higher disposable incomes are open to premium brands. Social commerce here relies on high-quality content, influencer partnerships, live-streaming events, and detailed product reviews. Investments in advanced technologies and comprehensive customer service enhance the shopping experience.

Less Affluent Areas

In less affluent areas, consumers are more price-sensitive. Social commerce strategies emphasize affordability and value through discounts, promotions, and loyalty programs, often leveraging local community figures for marketing. Brands focus on practical benefits and cost-effectiveness of products.


Brands must adopt region-specific strategies, emphasizing premium experiences in affluent areas and affordability in less affluent ones, based on local economic contexts and consumer behaviors.

Case Studies and Real-life Examples

1. North America: Tarte Cosmetics

Campaign: 24-hour flash sale using Instagram and Facebook, engaging influencers to create urgency.

Result: 40% increase in website traffic and 25% boost in sales.

2. China: Perfect Diary

Campaign: Launched a new product line via WeChat Mini Programs with a loyalty program.

Result: Doubled social media engagement and increased sales by 50%.

3. Europe: Glossier

Campaign: Referral program and user-generated content.

Result: 30% increase in new customer acquisitions and 20% boost in customer retention.

4. Southeast Asia: Lazada

Campaign: Combined shopping with entertainment, using influencers and games.

Result: 50% increase in app downloads and 35% increase in sales.

Key Differences in Approach

  • Urgency vs. Community: North American campaigns leverage urgency, while Chinese campaigns focus on community and social sharing.
  • Local Platforms: Using local platforms like WeChat in China tailors to regional preferences.
  • Engagement Tactics: Southeast Asia favors interactive "Shoppertainment".


Understanding regional differences in social commerce in China is crucial for skincare brands. Platforms such as YASO offer solutions tailored for brands selling to China, facilitating seamless integration of social commerce into their strategy. For more details, visit YASO.